"I'm a hunter," Knowlton told WFAA. "I want to experience a black rhino. I want to be intimately involved with a black rhino." 
This is Corey Knowlton, infamous American trophy hunter has killed more than 120 species, including the so-called big five in Africa — a lion, a leopard, an elephant, a Cape buffalo and a rhinoceros, according to the company's website. He purchased a permit for $350,000 to murder an endangered black Rhino in Nambia,

Last spring, he applied for a permit from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service that would enable him to import the rhino's body following the hunt in Namibia. But he's still waiting to hear back. If the permit is denied, the Safari Club plans to refund Knowlton's money that was pledged to a Rhino conservation fund in the southwestern African country.

Knowlton did not return messages left by The Associated Press for this story, but told Dallas television station WFAA in January that he believed the hunt would be managed well.

Trophy hunters fulfill their lust to kill the largest animals and the most exotic animals to rack up SCI awards. Underlying these actions are futile efforts to transcend weak character, arrested emotional development, narcissism, sexual perversion, anger and finally, a misguided attempt to overcome their own disconnect to nature.

MY THOUGHTS: This is truly a sick deviant, who represents a typical trophy hunter. To say that he wants "to be INTIMATELY INVOLVED WITH A BLACK RHINO" is nothing short of perverted.



  1. I have no fucking clue, but being "intimate" implies some kind of emotional and/or physical connection Trophy hunters are deviants to begin with. They get into taking apart the animals when they're dead, skinny them, sometimes playing with their body parts (you can read my other blog on trophy hunting) Put that with their narcissism and other personality disorders, and just the fact they get "pleasure" out of murdering beautiful wildlife (I had a trophy hunter use that exact word when he told me why he did it), makes them horrors of evolution. I certainly can't explain it. Hell, it's somewhere along the line of bestiality without the sex. I am everything that a hunter is not, so I just go by what the "experts" say. For some reason, I believe it's true based on their sick mindset.

  2. They are psychopaths and need psychiatric treatment. There is no glory in killing a creature that has as much right to live on this earth as the hunter.
