Although considered hairless animals, elephants are born with thick hair. The hair on an elephant calf sheds as the calf grows. The hair is designed to allow elephants to sense the closeness of objects the hair touches rather than to provide warmth.
The tail of an elephant is the area with the thickest hair. Elephants use their tail as a fly swat against insect bites as well as to comfort themselves, pick up water to spread across their bodies to cool off when they swim and to touch each other and show their emotions to their friends and family. Hair is also visible on the head and back of an elephant. Eyelashes provide protection for elephant against unwanted bacteria particles that may cause infection.
Across Asia, people believe that to wear the ring made of elephant hair will bring good luck. The elephant ring has become famous to sell in Thailand’s markets and some elephant camps. Many elephants no longer have hair on their tail. In Thailand, one elephant hair ring costs around 400 Baht. If the ring is made from the eyelashes, the price rises as it is softer and can also be made into a bracelet. Many elephants have lost their tails to the greed of humans and the superstitions that drive them. When an elephant has no hair on their tail, it affects their ability to care for themselves in a natural way. The loss of eye lashes causes infections that may lead to blindness.
Please educate your friends and family to the truth behind the elephant ring. Their lives mean more than a souvenir, don’t support this torture trade.

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