If you or anyone you know is thinking about riding an elephant, attending a circus, a painting show, or visiting an elephant camp, PLEASE take a look at these photos and read the accompanying information.

You may think it'd be a fun experience, but it's NOT fun for these poor, overworked, young elephants.

Elephants in the ‪‎tourist industry‬ suffer unimaginable pain at the hands of their owners --- all for the sake of so-called entertainment.

As you'll see, they're pretty much all juveniles, and they were stolen from their mothers and herds in the wild in order to break their spirit and live a life of misery for money.

This picture speaks for itself

Look at this BABY! What has she been through!? Starvation, deprivation and torture. 

All the whitish lines you can see are scars from the hook. The purple is iodine applied to heal the wounds

Standing motionless, afraid to move. Look at her eyes

She's just a baby, once wild and free, and now chained, being poked, and profoundly sad

Painting an abstract picture at a camp stating they support conservation doesn't mean the elephant is treated any differently if the painting isn't a flower or a tree. This mahout had a nail in his hand. There were puncture wounds and blood on this elephant too.

Why do we need to see elephants paint? Why why why? It is just MORE fun to watch them bathe in the river, play in the mud, walk in the forest, and learn about an elephants natural behaviour, instead of exploiting them.

Click For Full Article And Photos On The Cruelty of Elephants Painting

Fresh wounds inflicted by the hook. This elephant was about 1 1/2yrs old. The chain around her ear also controls her.

Tourists getting off the elephant after a trekking ride. There was a gap between the platform and the elephant so the mahout was pushing the elephant to keep still.

Pink scarring on the forehead from years of jabbing the hook into her head.

Some elephants are chained 24 hrs a day on short chains like this.

Fresh blood wound near the inner part of her ear. Her eyes say it all. This was at a camp stating that it supports the conservation of elephants which they are all starting to say, to convince innocent tourists there isn't any abuse.

This hook was dragged along her back to make her sit down and look cute for a group of tourists who proceeded to clap at how 'clever' she was performing these tricks.

There is a sharp nail in his left hand, twisted and jabbing into this little elephants ear to control her. A lot of the kids are now scrunching a plastic bag in their fist to hide the nail so they are obviously well aware that more and more tourists are learning about what they are doing.

This is a very sad aggressive female at a zoo. She is chained 24 hrs a day. What on earth have humans done to her? She has horrendous scars and on visiting a second time, had open wounds on her forehead.

Iodine applied to wounds

A sphere in one hand and a cigarette in the other

Round and round all day long giving rides to tourists.

Fresh wounds. They poured water on her head and tried to rub away the blood so we couldn't see it.
Nail in the mahouts hand bottom right of photo.

The mahout is holding this elephant still, by knife point, so that the tourists can clamber on to the elephants back..... Just heartbreaking. —

Chained so tight that she can't move a cm

When tourists have finished their one hour ride, this is what happens to the elephant. Chained by her front right foot and rear left foot so she won't walk around. Riding elephants is 'fun' for the tourist but a life of chains and misery for the elephant.

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